Where Have I Been?

Sorry I have been MIA for a while. Life happened!

Since you last heard from me, I had just found out I was pregnant with my daughter, Chloe, and exhaustion had taken over my life. About a year after giving birth to Chloe, we decided that our condo in the city was too small, and we moved from the city that we LOVE so much out the suburbs where we bought our first house. Almost immediately after moving all of our stuff in, I found out that I was pregnant with our second – not entirely planned.

photo-9Three weeks ago I gave birth to our son, Ryan. I am now a mother of TWO kids…and it is NO JOKE. I am so in love with our two babies but I am sleep deprived, and breastfeeding, and floating around in a fog.

I hope you’ll follow me in this postpartum journey!

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